Language is leverage.

Dan Gregory @DanGregoryCo

Virtually every piece of information you take in, whether consciously or unconsciously, is laden with biases, judgement and meaning. It's all to do with the language the information is framed in.

For instance, consider the following questions:

  1. “Are you more afraid of never doing great work… or of losing a job that will never allow you to do the work you were born to do?”

This is a plainly manipulative message designed to have you consider a particular outcome - i.e. a work-life bereft of meaning. Compare this to the following:

  1. “Are you more interested in providing the safe and reliable financial environment your family deserves… or do you consider your own professional ambitions to be more important?”

Again, clearly designed to persuade, just in the opposite direction.

Now these questions have been exaggerated for clarity, however, every conversation, every news article you read, every tweet, post, piece of marketing or sales pitch you are exposed to is laced with the language of leverage.

This makes applying a filter to all you hear, read and digest incredibly important.

But it is just as important, we should all remember to choose our words carefully.